Members' Publications
Aghoro, Nathalie. “Agency in the Afrofuturist Ontologies of Erykah Badu and Janelle Monáe.” Open Cultural Studies, vol. 2, no. 1 (2018), 330-340.
Aghoro, Nathalie. “Voice, Silence, and Quiet Resistance in Percival Everett’s Glyph.” JAAAS: Journal of the Austrian Association for American Studies, vol. 1, no. 2 (2020), DOI: 10.47060/jaaas.v1i2.35.
Aghoro, Nathalie. “Sonic Sites of Subversion: Listening and the Politics of Place in Karen Tei Yamashita's Tropic of Orange.” The Acoustics of the Social on Page and Screen, edited by Nathalie Aghoro, Bloomsbury, 2021, 147-163.
Aghoro, Nathalie, Katharina Gerund and Sylvia Mayer. “Re-Thinking Solidarity: An Introduction.” Re-Thinking Solidarity, special issue of American Studies/Amerikastudien, vol. 68, no. 4 (2023).
Aretz, Sabine; Lederer, Johanna; Schneider, Nicole. "Social Movements.“ Thereabouts, 24. Februar 2022,
Braun, Juliane. “‘Strange Beasts of the Sea:’ Captain Cook, the Sea Otter, the Creation of a Transoceanic American Empire.” Atlantic Studies: Global Currents 15. 2 (2018): 238-55. DOI: 10.1080/14788810.2017.1387462.
Braun, Juliane. “Bioprospecting Breadfruit: Imperial Botany, Transoceanic Relations, and the Politics of Translation.” Early American Literature (EAL) 54.3 (2019): 643-71. DOI: 10.1353/eal.2019.0062.
Costa, Richard und Johanna Lederer. "Habitat Studies and Indigenous Resistance.“ Thereabouts, 20. April 2023,
Dybska, Aneta. Regeneration, Citizenship and Justice in the American City since the 1970s. Transatlantic Studies in British and North American Culture. Series Editor: Marek Wilczyński. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2016.
Dybska, Aneta. “Frontier Imagery in Gentrification Narratives: Andrew Wingfield’s ‘Right of Way’ (2010)” Roczniki Humanistyczne, Vol. LXVIII, no.11 (2020), pp. 81-94. DOI:
Dybska, Aneta. “Gardening and Intergenerational Solidarity in Contemporary American Children’s Literature.” Intergenerational Solidarity in Children’s Literature and Film. Eds. Justyna Deszcz Tryhubczak and Zoe Jaques. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2021. str.176-188.
Dybska, Aneta. “The Reparation Generation: Truth Telling in Pursuit of Racial Justice in the U.S.”. Roczniki Humanistyczne, vol. Lxxii, no.11 (2024), pp. 27-44. DOI:
Essi, Cedric. “The Parent as Citizen: Jane Lazarre's Beyond the Whiteness of Whiteness: Memoir of a White Mother of Black Sons.” Storied Citizenship: Imagining the Citizen in North American Literature. Special Issue of Amerikastudien / American Studies, vol. 65, no. 4, 2020, pp. 491-510.
Essi, Cedric, Heike Paul, and Boris Vormann, eds. Common Grounds? American Democracy after Trump. Special Issue of Amerikastudien / American Studies, vol. 66, no. 1, 2021.
Knaus, Juliann. “Colorism Online vs. Offline: Black Influencers, Representation, and Visibility” In Media Res, November 2019,
Knaus, Juliann. “Multisensory Hair Therapy: Exploring Intermediality and Materiality in Trey Anthony’s ‘da Kink in my hair”.Gegenständliche Poetiken des Haares, edited by Elena Casanova, Lilli Hölzlhammer, and Helen Moll, De Gruyter, 2023, pp. 113–127. DOI: 10.1515/9783110776461-007.
Knaus, Juliann. “Participatory Platform versus Condemning Community: In/Exclusion in the Black Natural Hair Movement on YouTube.” Participation in American Culture and Society, edited by Phillip Löffler, Margit Peterfy, Natalie Rauscher, and Welf Werner, Winter, 2024, pp. 287-300. Winter Verlag: Löffler ea. (Eds.): Participation in American Culture (
Knaus, Juliann. “Power, Painting, and Poetry: Mixed-Race Ekphrasis in Natasha Trethewey’s Thrall.” ariel: A Review of International English Literature, vol. 55, no. 2, 2024, pp. 59-84. Project MUSE - ariel: A Review of International English Literature-Volume 55, Number 2, April 2024 ( , ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature (
Knaus, Juliann. “The Dissolution of Racial Boundaries: Colonial Diction and Mixed-Race Representation in Natasha Trethewey’s Thrall.” JAAAS: Journal of the Austrian Association for American Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, 2020 [2022], pp. 29-45. DOI:10.47060/jaaas.v2i1.73.
Knaus, Juliann. “Unbraiding the Significance of Testimony, Ceremony, Healing, and Hair in Three Contemporary First Nations Plays.”Narrating Transitional Justice: Memory in the Age of Truth and Reconciliation, edited by Paul Ugor and Bonny Ibhawoh. Montreal, Kingston, ON, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2025. [expected publication in Fall 2025]
Knewitz, Simone and Stefanie Mueller, eds. The Aesthetics of Collective Agency: Corporations, Communities, and Crowds in the Twenty-First Century, transcript, 2024.
Knewitz, Simone. “White Fragility and White Shame: Liberal Performances of Anti-Racism and the Politics of Vulnerability in the U.S.” Vulnerability: Real, Imagined, and Displayed Fragility in Language and Society, edited by Silvia Bonacchi, V&R, 2024, pp. 35-45.
Lederer, Johanna. "Reading Chelsea Vowel’s ‘âniskôhôcikan’ Alongside Current Indigenous Language Revitalization Efforts,” Canadian Literature, 257, 93-117.
Lederer, Johanna. Robert Boschman/Mario Trono (eds.), On Active Grounds: Agency and Time in the Environmental Humanities, Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2019, Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien, 71, 2021, 242-243.
Lippert, Leopold. “On Being Topped: Vulnerability and Pleasure in Ocean Vuong’s On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous.” JAAAS: Journal of the Austrian Association for American Studies 4.1 (2022): 41-56.
Lippert, Leopold. “The Sexual and Racial Politics of Intimacy in Thomas A. Digges’s Adventures of Alonso (1775).” Early American Literature 59.3 (2024): 561-583.
Schubert, Stefan. “Columbian Nightmare: Narrative, History, and Nationalism in BioShock Infinite.” fiar: forum for inter-american research, vol. 11, no. 2, 2018, pp. 44-60,
Schubert, Stefan. “Dystopia in the Skies: Negotiating Justice and Morality on Screen in the Video Game BioShock Infinite.” European Journal for American Studies, vol. 13, no. 4, 2018,
Schubert, Stefan. “‘Liberty for Androids!’: Player Choice, Politics, and Populism in Detroit: Become Human.” European Journal of American Studies, vol. 16, no. 3, 2021,
Schubert, Stefan. “‘I Want Your Eye, Man’: Appropriation, Defamiliarization, and (Meta-)Minstrelization in Get Out.” Supernatural Studies, vol. 7, no. 2, 2022, pp. 57-81,